Madonna is no Longer an NFT Market Virgin

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The 65-year-old singer collaborated with the nonfungible token guru Beeple to produce a series of
X-rated images depicting her naked and giving birth to butterflies, insects, and trees.
The “Mother of Creation” NFT collection, which will be auctioned for charity, contains a 3D model
of Madonna’s vagina, which is shown in cartoon form on the collection’s NSFW website.

“I wanted to explore the notion of creation, not just the way a child is born via a woman’s vagina,
but also the way an artist gives birth to creativity,” Madonna said in a statement, adding that
“all pieces were created using a 3D scan.”

The first animation, titled “Mother of Nature,” depicts a recently single Madonna laying on the ground
with her legs wide, giving birth to a massive tree, which is guaranteed to pique the curiosity of fictosexuals.

Madonna reveals fully nude NFTs — and a shocking 3D model of her vagina

The pop singer has partnered with digital artist Beeple to produce a trio of NFT videos titled “Mother of Technology”, “Mother of Creation,” and “Mother of Evolution,” which feature an up-close display of her vagina giving birth to insects, butterflies, and trees.

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The site states, “The butterflies are a metaphor for the contradiction that while the world is burning in
a post-apocalyptic landscape, there is still signs of life.” “We continue to give birth regardless
of the damage occurring or the injustice we encounter.” It conveys the crucial idea that if you wait for
the world or your life to be perfect before creating art, it will never occur. For our survival
in this chaotic, uncertain world, we must do it.

Another film titled “Mother of Technology” prominently features Madonna’s lady parts, this time giving
birth to insects to illustrate “how science may likewise give birth to light into the world, but only
if employed with the proper conscience.”

Madonna vagina NFT beeple plastic surgery material girl

According to the website, Madonna and Beeple, whose actual name is Mike Winkelmann, worked for years on the risque “Mother of Creation triptych,” which tries to “express an alternative type of birth in our current world.”

Madonna says, “When Mike and I agreed to cooperate on this project a year ago, I was eager to share my vision of the world as a mother and an artist with Mike’s unique perspective.” “It has been a remarkable journey from an academic concept to an emotional tale, giving life to art.”

“These three NFTS were a year-long labor of love, as both artists collaborated to link the concept of creation and motherhood via these visuals,” the team explains.

Madonna states that “proceeds from the sale will assist three non-profit organizations” — the Voices of Children Foundation, the City of Joy, and Black Mama’s Bail Out — all of which “support mothers and children throughout the world.”