Dancing naked in the street

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Jailed for dancing nude on the streets of Paris.
Gypsy Taub is a Russian American naturism advocate, 9/11 truther, and the leading body freedom activist in the San Francisco …

This is the story of my recent arrest and a night spent in jail in Paris. I was charged with “indecent exposure” for dancing on the street nude.

My name is Gypsy Taub. I am a body freedom activist from San Francisco. I am originally from Russia.

I went to the nudist resort in Cap D’Adge, France, with my daughter Inti Gonzalez(age 16) and my sons Nebo Gonzalez(14) and Daniel Gonzalez (12).

A supporter of my body freedom activism invited us to Cap D’Adge. On the way back we were in Paris for a day.

My kids and I visited the Notre Dame Cathedral and were walking down the river Seine when we heard an old street musician play a Russian song “Ochi chorniye” and play an accordion. I had to stop and listen. More fun songs followed and I started dancing, dressed at first. After a few songs I decided that it was time for some body freedom activism and some fun. I love dancing especially dancing nude.

I got naked and danced for a good 20 minutes if not longer. Boats passed by, lots of people smiled, waved, filmed with their phone cameras. I noticed a muslim young woman smile. She stuck around watching me dance.

Gypsy Taub arrested in Paris for nude dancing – inside the police van

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