Pennsylvania Politicians get naked to raise awareness of Pa.’s ballot secrecy envelopes

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Bethany Hallam, Emily Kinkaid and Allegheny County Councilmembers shed clothes as reminder that state’s mail-in ballots must be placed inside secrecy envelope Bethany Hallam thought the best way to dress up her message that votes are in danger of not … Continued

The Most weirdest Sex Records

posted in: Erotic, Uncategorized | 0

For some people , sex is a routine, but for some it is real competition. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the strangest sex-related records.. World’s Strongest Vagina Lisa Sparks Had Sex with 919 Men in a 24Hrs World’S Largest … Continued

Toilet paper panic… Coronavirus Memes.

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Corona beer changes their name to avoid association with the CoronaVirus outbreak When the Chinese president will sneeze at the next international meeting .. Coronavirus- this health official licks her finger while warning people not to touch their face THIS … Continued